Supernatural: Adventures in Babysitting (2012)
Season 7, Episode 11
Not what I expected
9 January 2012
Warning: Spoilers
OK so Frank might be a funny obsessed paranoid conspiracy freak, But Supernatural, if you think he can ever replace Bobby, you are definitely out of your mind. Frank might be a breath of fresh air on the show, he is an interesting character that might be of good help to the Winchesters, but he has no real connection to them like the man who has been there for them all their lives and with us for the past six seasons. I know I'm still hanging by a thread here but I'm still waiting for a supernatural way to bring Bobby back (At least we haven't seen the guy's answer to the reaper, he might have stick around as a ghost or something, and I'll get back to that later on)

The montage of the brothers' reaction to losing Bobby was brilliant, I was kinda dreading seeing them dealing with the situation and I was afraid they might handle it the way they handled loosing John before. Anyway like always "Be careful what you wish for" because those two magnificent guys broke our hearts just by sitting there, avoiding eye contact with each other, unable to lean on one another during their ordeal and each lost in his own world. The sight of Sam just sitting there staring in the blank space and pressing on his scar made my heart ache, while his elder brother is lost in his grief.

The monster of the week theme is not so bad but what made it even better were two things: 1- It is nice to see Sam still willing to sacrifice himself to save innocents, the way he taunted the Vitalea to prevent her from feeding on Lee made me grateful that at least one of the boys still has his head in the game. 2- Madison McLaughlin was getting on my nerves, she was way over the top and I'm glad Krissy quit the job, but what saved the day was the nice chemistry Jensen Ackles had with her. However I didn't really accept the fact that Dean just froze there, unable to help especially when both his brother and some innocent people's lives were in grave danger.

The last scene with Dean trying to put Frank's advice in action was gut wrenching and Jensen gave one of his best performances doing that awesome silent scene. (However as much as I appreciate having him back in the game as much as I dread Frank's advice because it will make Dean suppress his emotions even more and we all know when he crushes under that weight, it won't be pretty)

Back to the ghost thing, there are three theories now going among fans about who drank Dean's beer? 1- It might have been Bobby's spirit trying to make some contact. 2- Dean's alcohol problem is hitting the top now that he can't remember drinking his own beer and this incident might help him realize who much he might be losing control. I go with both possibilities and I'm just willing to wait and see how this unfolds. 3- It might have been Cas, but it is most unlikely in my opinion.

Overall the episode was not bad but not what I expected after the wonderful "Death's door", but I don't know why after seeing it I found myself longing for old season one and two's episodes when the brothers were just different. I just miss the days when there were no tension between them, I miss seeing Dean having fun on the job, I miss seeing them teasing each other, I miss the classic "Shut up" and "Bitch/Jerk" moments, I miss their pranks on each other, I miss the rock/paper/scissors thing, I miss the Impala, I miss Dean's perfect one liners and seeing him hitting on girls, I miss Sam's bitchfaces, I miss the times when their sole purpose was "saving people, hunting things", I miss the times when they really cared about helping each other not just keep one another alive and I most certainly miss when Dean's most important job was to watch out on his little Sammy. I know they are far different now than those 26 and 22 year old boys who hit the road a few years ago looking for their father and fighting monsters from urban legends but sometimes I just wish I could shake Dean and tell him "I know how hard it is to lose everybody, I know you are entitled to grief and as much as I know it hurts but as the girl said people die Dean, so please just snap out of it and pay closer attention to Sam because he needs you right now more than ever and because no matter how many times he insists he is OK you know he is not and he too has lost everything and all is left for him in the world is you, so please be there for him cause that's why we fell in love with you in the first place"
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