Review of Che!

Che! (1969)
ʀather than a documentary, this is politically motivated movie
13 January 2012
What to expect of a "Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment" produced "documentary film" on Che Guevara in 1969? Certainly not the enthusiasm millions of left wing (or pro Latin America) people around the world share for the famous revolutionary until these days, but in this special case even not a sense of objectivity.

Instead, Che! portraits the historical figure as an aggressive, bloodthirsty guerrilla fighter, who steps in to shot (suspected) deserters within the own troops where Fidel Castro hesitates. Or a Che Guevara who prefers sitting in a dark room signing death sentences instead of celebrating the revolution with the masses on the street.

A fairly accurate story, mixed with poorly playing actors, and less South than rather North American perspectives on how the world should be (as an example, in one scene a Bolivian farmer talks in front of Che about the revolutionaries: "(They came) to free me? From what? Nobody asked what I want. Ever since you come to these mountains with your guns and your fighting, my goats, they not make milk. You frightened them. (...) Yes, I want to be free. Free from you..." and then pointing at the present Bolivian officer: "... and from you and all your kind. Why don't you just go away and let us live in peace?". This "judgement" pronounced by "the people" causes that Che deliberately stands up, passes the farmer and the officer to walk to his execution).

If your interested in the "anti Gue perspective", watch this movie. But even then you will get quickly bored by the badly made film.
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