"If it bleeds, you can kill it" true.........but What if it is a creepy clown that bleeds glitter!!!!!
12 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
It is very extremely interesting that though the Winchester boys are practically two tough hunters who both had gone to Hell and back, still carry out ordinary childish phobias. Like Dean's fear of flying and germs, Sam is still scarred by a childhood experience that kept him terrified of clowns. OK lets admit it, Clowns are creepy, I have no fear for them but never liked them as well, with all their freakish color and creepy smiles, I can't see how does children find them amusing.

With Yet another brilliant stand alone episode, Supernatural invites us to explore a pure piece of art, Writers Andrew Dabb and Daniel Loflin cheer fans up with a brilliant story, giving us our own old Sam and Dean, reminding us why we used to love the show in the first place. Starting with the beautifully done colored title card, We accompany the boys on an ordinary MOTW hunt where they are just brothers teasing each other and enjoying their job once again, With no trace of the gloomy angst that has been clouding the air of season seven so far.

With no "dick on Dick" and no leads on the Amazonians, The brothers take a job in Kansas where people die by Octovamps, unicorns and shark attacks in ball pools. Sam is forced to go back to a place where he has to face his worst childhood fear.

It was extremely good to see Dean in a good mood and drinks nothing but coffee which we didn't see on the show since God knows when. He seemed to have learned his lesson from last week, hence putting new rules (no babies, no hot chicks, no booze, Which is kinda sad but hey this is Dean , he didn't hesitate to go check out the naughty hot nanny). Dean was so adorable with his geeky attitude over the giant slinky. I enjoyed Dean's interaction with Tyler and his heart felt laugh at the end, (We haven't seen Dean laugh like that since season five's "Free to be you and me") and it was good that even Sam seemed to enjoy making his brother laugh that hard. I was touched when Dean apologized to Sam for psychologically scarring his childhood (But Yeah Dean really which time?).

On Season Two it was well established that Sam has a crippling clown-o- phobia due to some unknown childhood trauma, and though we are provided some insight on why he had this kind of fear due to Dean ditching him in a lame place with puke smell, grainy ice cream and creepy clowns (It's nice that the show reminds us how Dean was practically Sam's primary caregiver), Yet judging on his reaction to Dean's question "What in the world did they do to you?", I still think there is more to Sam's clown story. Jared Padalecki delivered a great comic performance portraying Sam's fear of clowns (Who said that guy can't do comedy) and I absolutely liked his bad cop performance which was utterly ridiculous (and I find it great that we saw no traces of soulless Sam during this). However, I personally think this episode explored Sam's state of mind in a beautiful way, having him repeating Dean's words "if it bleeds you can kill it" like a mantra in his head, showing how much vulnerable the guy is and how much he is depending on his elder brother's support in his time of ordeal and I'm sacred to see what will happen when Lucifer makes his powerful appearance next week (We all know that won't be pretty for Sammy, yet I can't wait to see what happens).

Finally I enjoyed the old school brotherly scene beside the non-Impala with a glittery Sam and a Joyous Dean. I loved the motel room and I'm certainly adding it to my personal favorites. And did anyone notice the "no sideburns" on the employee rules board? That was smart:)
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