Review of Haunted Spooks

Great Harold Lloyd 2-reeler!
22 February 2012
Harold Lloyd desperately wants to get married. After being rejected for the hundredth time, he repeatedly attempts to kill himself until he runs into a lawyer whose client (Mildred Davis) has to get married in order to inherit money. The other requirement before she can get the inheritance: she and her husband have to spend a year in her uncle's mansion. The twist: it's haunted! Not really, but I wonder how far this basic plot goes back. It would be wrong of me not to mention that the film can come off as pretty racist, and that title means pretty much what you think it means. Black people, it turns out, are especially afraid of ghosts. But, hey, it was 1920, and, honestly, Lloyd and Davis are almost as scared as the black people (though their eyes don't bug out quite as much), and the second half of the film, with all the characters running around the mansion being scared by people covered in bedsheets, is hilariously madcap.
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