Peter Jennings...Elite Puppet! I'll give the show a "10" for sheer, compelling AUDACITY!!
26 February 2012
No disrespect to the late Peter Jennings, but he lost a TON of credibility with this special (I am now watching, saw when it first came out...and am always compelled to watch over and over again when it airs because it is such a grotesquely-perverted piece of propaganda that it defies belief that it would have even originally aired or is STILL airing to this day!). Many of the other reviews here reveal my same sentiment, but don't really address WHY Jennings would have been a part of this farce. And anyone who doesn't/can't put one and one together to realize an entry wound would/will be smaller than an exit wound can be convinced...well...that an elephant can hang from a cliff by a daisy. But those of us who USE our brains...are insulted when we're expected to believe that "back and to the left" could result from anything BUT a forward head shot. Not only did this ridiculous documentary try to convince us that the "magic bullet" was REALLY magic (a direct spit in the face...front and center...to anyone with even an ounce of deductive reasoning can see would be an IMPOSSIBILITY)...but it also tried to convince us, as stated above, that a rear shot can cause a head to jerk backwards!! In what alternate universe?? I would be sooner convinced of that elephant hanging from a cliff! NOW...back to WHY Jennings would be a part of this farce...this disgusting ruse...after ALL this time?? My main guess is because the elites LOVE to play games...even TIMELESS ones on us simpletons...the REAL skulls and bones at the bottom of the world hierarchy/pyramid structure. These are propaganda, misinformation, population control exercises and games that are titillation for them. Again, no disrespect to a dead man who can no longer defend his legacy, character or integrity (Mr. Jennings)...but I propose that he was DEFINITELY a tool of the elites and their perennial propaganda/misinformation/mind-control games! If they can convince us that LHO was the lone assassin...even now...almost 50 YEARS after the fact...well hell...they can convince us of ANYTHING...even 9-11! I will close with the nail that will bond my entire supposition together! And that is that Peter Jennings was a member of the Bilderberg group...that "pure and wonderful" group of elites that "care so much" about the world population that they would (clandestinely...but that means nothing...yeah right!) get together and make S'Mores and only DECIDE THE FATE OF ALL THE WORLD'S SERFS!! So just put two and two together! Believe me you'll get some semblances of FOUR every time!!
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