Review of The Chilling

The Chilling (1989)
I want to know how to kill it! That's all I want to know!
26 February 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***SPOILERS*** Former blond 1960's teenage heartthrob Troy Donahue looking at least 15 years older then he really is, at 52, plays the crazed and greedy Dr.Miller who runs a cryogenic center outsider of Kansas City city limits. Conning his clients that he's keeping their loved ones in cold storage until a cure is found for what put them there Dr.Miller is really involved in the black market human organ trade selling off the frozen stiffs body parts for tens of thousands of dollars to the highest bidders.

It's when on Halloween night a lightning storm hit the center and struck the steel containers containing the bodies of the frozen, with liquid nitrogen, cryogenic clients that they suddenly became "Zombiifies" and came back to life. It's Mr.Miller's assailant Mary Hampton, Linda Blair, who was suspicious of what her boss was really doing with the stiffs he was handling when she noticed that one of them bullet riddled bank robber Joe Davenport Jr, Ron Vincent, wasn't in the container meant for him. Joe Jr together with his mom Mrs. Ilene Davenport, played by Suzanna Camp in a non speaking non breathing and non living role, were put on ice by Joe Davenport Sr, Jack Derieux, in order to have them brought back to life in he very near future. As things turned out they came back to life a lot sooner the he as well as Dr. Miller expected them to! But not as living and breathing human beings but walking and cannibalistic dead zombies dressed in what looked like aluminum astronauts or space suits!

With the cryogenics zombies running amok it's the center's it's the handsome, with a full head of hair and beard that Bruce Willis would envy, security guard Sgt. Vince Marlow, Dan Haggerty, who takes it upon himself to stop them. While all this is going on Dr. Miller with his secret illegal human organ operation about to be exposed tries to get all the evidence, names addresses phone numbers and money transactions, of his crimes out out the center and burn them is himself attacked by the zombies and placed into a steel cryogenic container and frozen stiff for future study. It's later revealed that Dr. Miller's body was later donated to science in the study of Mad Cow Disease which he was suspected of having!

***SPOILERS*** As it turned out in what brought the zombies back to life a jolt of electricity it's the opposite that put them back in their place, dead & buried, liquid nitrogen! With Vince Mary & Joe Davenport icing them into suspended animation with the some two dozen fire extinguishers available to them at the center. Mary Hampton later realized what a fool she was by working for the by then late and frozen Dr. Miller and being involved unknowingly in his crimes against humanity as well as,in trying to bring the dead back to life, nature. And she ends up making amends for what she did by marrying Vince Marlow who turned out to be the hero of this turkey of a movie! Happy Thanksgiving!
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