This was a disgrace to the franchise!
8 March 2012
As a fan of the Wing Commander franchise I watched this I thought nothing was worse then Wing Commander: Prophecy, unfortunately when I watched this I'll admit one thing: I was proved wrong! As I watched this I wonder 'Is this REALLY Wing Commander?' I beheld crap special effects were complete and utter crud! I understand the budget situation but shows like Blake's 7 and Doctor Who did FAR better on their own shoestring budgets then this! Also the Kilrathi were hardly shown and when they were, they were unconvincing unlike tiger-like warrior species I remembered.

Also the storyline was complete and total rubbish especially compared to the games and how space travel was presented in them! The ship designs were a disgrace and the Tiger's Claw didn't look like a carrier at all and the fighter craft were not very well designed and there was no light fighter or medium fighter or heavy fighter or bomber distinction that really defined the games! Because in the future that's how things will work! Because in space combat there will be fighter craft warfare as well as ship to ship battles.

Also I hated the touch of how they make it like modern jet fighters taking off while its obvious in the future and in space that's totally unbelievable.

Also I did not care much for the Pilgrim back-story let alone Blair being part one maybe its just me. Plus Blair and Maniac being friends from the beginning made no sense.

Kevin Droney's screenplay was complete and utter rubbish in short. Also how Chris Roberts approved it let alone be part of it I don't know but I imagine he was probably embarrassed by how the movie based on the classic franchise he created turned out and I doubt he would have been happy with Prophecy either.

Maybe Chris Roberts may well revive the franchise perhaps even manage to redeem himself in the respect of the Wing Commander franchise with either a movie or TV series or even a game reboot or he might give his blessings for someone else to do it, perhaps with him acting as some consultant or whatever or partner.

Only time will tell. Otherwise this movie is a total disgrace to a classic series!
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