Miami Vice: Cool Runnin' (1984)
Season 1, Episode 3
Introducing 'Noogie'
9 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
As this episode opens Crocket and Tubbs are waiting to see a small time drugs deal go down and are shocked when the apparent sellers gun gown the buyers with automatic weapons before making off with the cash. They give chase but are forced to stop when they are fired upon too. The Jamaican gangs next victims are two vice cops on a sting operation; after this the police are willing to follow any lead even those coming from a dubious informant who calls himself 'Noogie'. He drags them around half of Miami without much luck and eventually homicide detectives arrest people driving the van that attacked Crockett and Tubbs; these people are Haitian though... did somebody misidentify the killers' accents or did homicide arrest the wrong people? Away from the main plot Crockett's wife has filed for divorce; he was expecting it to happen sooner or later but he wasn't expecting her to want to move to Atlanta with their son.

I don't think this episode was as good as previous ones but it was still entertaining. I found 'Noogie' to be a bit too over the top even as a comedy relief character... That's not to say he wasn't funny at times; just that he tried to be funny at all times even the wrong ones! The story was exciting though and featured a great start and a thrilling shoot out at the end. Back when it first aired these scenes would have been considered far too violent by TV's self-appointed 'moral guardians' but these days the lack of blood makes them positively tame and I wouldn't worry about letting older children watch this episode... how times have changed!
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