Review of Cars 2

Cars 2 (2011)
violence is that all you got
23 March 2012
I loved Cars. And was looking forward to Cars 2. but then I saw the trailer, and I saw the film with my son who is 5 years old. And I say to the makers of this piece of crap:

If the only thing you can make is violence and bombs and think that is the moral and corruption of young children's minds we want you better hang up your hat and move to another industry.

Why is all the cartoons now a days about blowing the most up, shooting and killing. I mean do you not have any better imagination than that?

Cars 2 could have followed the story of Cars. A story of hope and dreams. But wanted bombs and grenades.

So this movie cars 2 are banned at our home, my other kids will not see it, and it is not recommended for any kids younger than 13.

Can Disney make the beautiful children films they are known for? I mean films of love, hope, happiness, magic etc. That is what our kids want. I am really thinking of stopping all my kid channels on TV Disney, Disney XD, Cartoon network, Nick...etc. Why you ask? well because all the programs are about bombs, violence, fighting, shooting, killing...there are no longer a good moral to the stories, it is about blowing up as much as possible in the least amount of time. So why should I degrade my kids minds with this violence?

parents should ask themselves: what future do we want for our kids? when all science point to the fact that all this violence in films is the reason for much of the violence happening for real in the world and right outside our neighborhood. parents should ask themselves: what moral things should we learn to our children, how do we want them to become when they grow up?

from a father and nurse to all parents.
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