The Walking Dead: Beside the Dying Fire (2012)
Season 2, Episode 13
Almost a finale
24 March 2012
Warning: Spoilers
The final episode of 'The Walking Dead' nearly worked. For the first half, it was excellent. Zombies everywhere (which is what the show initially promised, not a soap opera), fire, death, gunfire. It was action-packed as you would expect with a season finale.

However, the writers couldn't resist going back to their soapy ways: I was glad a lot of the characters survived but there are two (Lori and Carl) who don't really do anything but cause trouble. The two deaths in this episode were extremely graphic but it wasn't exactly risky killing off the two characters with the least amount of screen time. After the farm invasion and what's left of the group meet up again, it just falls back into its boring place. With Lori angry at Rick for whatever reason, various little tiffs amongst the group and 'The Walking Dead's' favourite trick, to turn one of the cast into an antagonist within one episode. They did it with Shane and now with Rick. There's no real explanation for Rick being so angry with the group, they have a valid reason for being angry at him, except from Lori.

Overall, the finale is good, not great, but good. It can frighten you and makes you jump frequently throughout the first half hour. After that however, it's just like every other episode. This season as a whole has been disappointing, it did answer some questions left unanswered in season one, but only in this last episode. There will hopefully be some interesting developments next season (with Andrea, Daryl and Carol) which means I haven't quite given up on this show yet.
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