Simultaneously Thought Provoking and Funny!
30 March 2012
After seeing only a few brief clips of this movie last month, I managed to obtain the DVD. Once I sat down, I found that I could not take a break even to use the bathroom. I was afraid I'd miss something in the dialogue. All three of the lead characters had his own positives and negatives (as we all do!). All of them were very handsome, articulate and each actor brought something different to the party depending on their filtered perspective on gay life. For the physique worshipers there is plenty of beefcake in various stages of being clothed (or unclothed). I was laughing out loud (and at one point almost fell out of my chair) at some of the lines that Ernie (Bruce Gray) delivered in his typical deadpan manner. He was so refreshing with his direct, yet politically correct honesty, such as his line: "the walk of shame". In some respects, he kind of "stole the scene" he was in at the moment. It was also an interesting twist that Blaine was confiding in a young female. Most gay men have a male buddy whom they confide in, but this added a feminine touch which tended to balance out all of that male testosterone.

J. C. Calciano has come up with a very touching, sensitive and good "fuzzy feeling" movie. Nicely done!

This film is most definitely on my short list of great gay movies! The "tear-jerk" ending made it all worth while.
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