Game of Thrones: The North Remembers (2012)
Season 2, Episode 1
We revisit the Westeros in this fantastic season premiere
4 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When I first saw Game of Thrones a little over a year ago, I didn't not read any of the books. But when Ned's head was chopped off, Joffery wasn't the true heir and Robb has crowned himself as The King in the North, I couldn't wait any longer. So I decided to read the books. Now I'm watching this show from a different perspective and I am still amazed how well this episode was played out.

"The North Remembers" shows us how much this show will now jump around. With Ned Stark dead, there is no real center role to keep everything together. Even though Tyrion (played by Peter Dinklage who won an Emmy and Golden Globe for Supporting Actor last year) is now considered the overall fan favorite, he still fits in the supporting actor role; and it's better that way. The season will jump around a lot from Daenerys and her dragons to Robb Stark and his ongoing war against the Lannisters. For those who had problems remembering plot and characters from Season 1 might want a note pad handy - because it doesn't get any easier in Season 2.

The season premiere was all about showing where everyone is. I loved how it opened; they show King Joffery and much of a monster he has become by nearly drowning a knight in wine. I also loved that Tyrion is finally in King's Landing serving as Hand of the King that his sister, Queen Cersei, is not too happy about. Across the Narrow Sea, the episode showed Daenerys and her dragons heading east for shelter or civilization. While we were only able to see on dragon, it looked beautifully made. Robb Stark, the King in the North, sends his peace terms to King's Landing and wants the North to be separate from the Kingdom forever. We also see his wolf, that has grown since we have last seen it, test the imprisoned Jamie Lannister. The episode also shows Jon Snow north of the wall and we are told that a new king has also risen beyond the wall.

The episode shows some new faces. Stannis Baratheon, only mentioned in Season 1, finally comes on screen during a ritual that dealt with burning the old gods for the new God of Light that a sorceress, Melisandre, is performing. Stannis has declared himself the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and declares war on King Joffery.

Yes, the episode is full of information. They throw a lot at you and since this is only a ten episode season, it's required to show so much information. Having said that, they did a marvelous job of bringing the book to the TV screen. The little game between Cersi and Littlefinger (also known as Lord Baelish) was tremendous and shows what power really is. The ending with all of King Robert's bastard sons was beautifully done. Though I wish we could have seen more Arya (who only appears before the credits role), everything else about it was fantastic.

"The North Remembers" was about bringing everyone up to speed again and now the show should continue with great pace. This is a 1000 page book they are trying to squeeze into ten episodes. So far, the show is doing beautifully. I can't wait to see how everything else is played out. Even though I have read the book, I am still eager to "see" what happens next.

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