Love for a man , love for God, is there so much difference?
10 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is the first film of the director Franc Borzage that I've seen, but it does not need previous recommendation, in order to gain our admiration. The film is marvelous, wonderfully written and made with the utmost care and love, full of high sentiments,and with a plot that engrosses you from beginning to end. It is set in war world two, in occupied France and shows us two separate worlds, the one of the German conquerors and that of the french underground, with which a young novice nun is involved unexpectedly, trying to help an American aviator escape. For a short time they live close together , and share a love and emotion until then unknown to them. Ray Milland is in one of his finest moments, so human, so sensitive, so tender, so expressive, so handsome also, it is a treat just to watch him and hear him speak. It is evident in this film what a brilliant "raconteur" Ray is, he can tell a story in his unique way and make it come to life for us, in a simple but so effective way. I've never seen this special talent in any other actor, even among those considered great. With Barbara Britton they make a couple "made in heaven". There could be no other end to their story, although we secretly wished for a "miracle" that would reverse the odds and bring a full happy end for them. An amazing film, and I can only imagine the effect it would have on me if I were to watch it in an brand new DVD, and not in a poor quality copy. What are the studios officials thinking and do not release this film immediately in a digitally restored DVD, I really wonder.
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