Tales from the Crypt: Forever Ambergris (1993)
Season 5, Episode 3
Strong episode
20 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Sleazy and jaded burn-out combat photographer Dalton (superbly played to the slimy hilt by Roger Daltrey) wants to regain his former glory as well as lusts after Bobbi (a nicely sultry portrayal by the gorgeous Lysette Anthony), who's the eminently desirable wife of gifted up and coming colleague Ike (a fine performance by the always reliable Steve Buscemi). While on assignment in Central America Dalten figures out a way to both get rid of Ike and get his faltering career back on track. Director Gary Fleder, working from a dark and absorbing script by Scott Rosenberg, relates the compelling story at a steady pace, maintains a grim'n'gritty tone throughout, and neatly explores the themes of jealousy, loyalty, betrayal, and revenge. The sturdy acting by the able cast helps a whole lot: Daltrey, Anthony, and Buscemi all do commendable work in their roles, with sound support from Paul Dooley as cynical editor Randolph and Marshall Bell as tough mercenary Rock. Rick Bota's slick cinematography gives this episode an impressive polished look. Jay Ferguson's rousing score hits the stirring spot. The gruesome flesh-melting splatter set pieces deliver the hideously gory goods. As a yummy bonus, the lovely Ms. Anthony bares her delectable body a couple of times. A worthwhile episode.
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