Good little horror flick.
11 May 2012
The Devil's Rock is a bloody little horror movie that I really enjoyed. The link between the occult and Nazis has been explored many time in horror movies, but I've never seen it done quite the way it's seen here. 

The setting is an island in the English Channel, shortly before D-Day. Two soldiers from New Zealand sneak onto it on a mission to blow up a Nazi anti-aircraft gun. The pair are lured deeper into the bunker by the screams of a woman after completing their task, and stumble upon a true horror.

The Devil's Rock has a small cast and is primarily set in one location, but those settings and characters are used very well. So are the practical special effects, which were pretty fantastic for a production this small. 

What I liked most about the movie was the pacing, which gradually ratcheted up the tension until I was almost squirming by the end. This isn't the kind of flick that relies on jump scares and loud noises to get your heart thumping. Instead it layers on the menace and foreboding. As I mentioned earlier, I really enjoyed it. If you're the kind of horror fan who gets a kick out of a good demon story and likes the more low-key, atmosphere and character-driven approach, definitely give this a try.
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