The Avengers (2012)
The Avengers Lives Up to the Hype
15 May 2012
Warning: Spoilers
***This may include spoilers***

Let's make something clear: there's nothing wrong with special effects. Not every movie can, or should, be as low key as My Dinner with Andre. Sometimes, big explosions are necessary to advance the plot. The problem is that blockbusters tend to be high on special effects but low on story. The Avengers, though, found a way to balance both beautifully into a fun and engaging film

I'm not an expert on the Marvel universe, so I went into this film with only rudimentary knowledge of the heroes involved. I can't vouch for the accuracy of their portrayals by their actors. I still found myself interested in them and their stories. Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Jeremy Renner and Scarlett Johansson reprise their respective roles and played them perfectly, while Mark Ruffalo appeared as the third man to pay the Incredible Hulk in a decade and probably the best of the three. All six played their parts appropriately well, though Downey stole the show with his larger than life portrayal of Tony Stark that may define his already impressive career as an actor.

Every good superhero movie has to have a good antagonist and The Avengers delivers with the manipulative, quick witted, cocky, yet insecure, Loki played by Tom Hiddleston. The tension between him and his adoptive brother Thor, made for a fascinating and sometimes heart breaking sub plot in the middle of a rock 'em, sock 'em action movie like this one. Loki's inferiority complex and obsession with power was a perfect contrast for Thor's maturity and desire for peace, not only in the world, but with his brother.

The Avengers did have a bit of a predictable story, but it worked in this instance. Sometimes that predictability is comforting and helps one immerse him/herself in the universe of the film. You find yourself actively rooting for the heroes and scowling whenever the villain appears on the screen. That stark contrast between good and evil can inspire groans, but if executed properly can reach an innocent, juvenile side of us that doesn't need complex anti-heroes or thought provoking character studies. Sometimes we just want to see good triumph over evil against extremely unlikely odds. This movie does just that. Don't be surprised if you catch yourself walking out of the theater feeling like a 10 year old kid wanting nothing more than to be your favorite of the six heroes.

While this isn't a modern day classic like the Dark Knight, it's a solid superhero film that lives up to its immense hype.

Oh, and when you go, don't forget to stick around after all the credits are finished. You're in for a surprise.
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