Jack Benny and cast provide many funny moments in The Horn Blows at Midnight
15 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
After 30 years of just seeing the ending involving that giant coffee pot that Jack Benny ends up in for whatever reason, I finally watched the whole thing on YouTube. Brother, this was quite hilarious as the picture kept going to various lengths to depict how Benny has to blow his horn (actually, trumpet) by midnight so the world will...oh, watch it if you want to know. Not only does he have to deal with a couple of fallen angels, however, he also has to contend with the hotel manager (Franklin Pangborn at his fussy best), some bodyguards, and his girlfriend Elizabeth (Alexis Smith) especially after he saves a sexy cigarette girl (Delores Moran). There's also a funny small part from Maragaret Dumont, an interesting role for a kid named Bobby Blake (later becoming Robert Blake), and some pieces of Carl Stalling's music with a little bit of Raymond Scott thrown in at the sequence I mentioned at the beginning. Really, The Horn Blows at Midnight may not be one of the greatest comedies ever made, but it sure is still very entertaining to watch for something made so long ago. So yeah, that's a recommendation.
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