Review of Bad Eggs

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Bad Eggs (1998)
Season 2, Episode 12
Nearly the worst ep of Buffy ever
30 June 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Bad Eggs; The Good; Neat opening scene with the mirror. Some creepy 'Invasion of the Bodysnatchers' stuff including the great scene where Giles' looks at the kids at the bottom of the stairs, you think they're already possessed. Great scene with Giles and Joyce in the library (love the way that even possessed Giles still covers up Buffy being the Slayer) and a genuine shock when Giles' sticks the creature on her. Not really much else.

The Bad; The Gorch's are pathetic as an enemy whilst the monsters are very badly done.

Best line; Xander; "You've got to keep your egg safe and teach it Christian values" Willow; "My egg is Jewish!" Xander "Then teach it that dradle song" and Giles "The Gorch's made their name by massacring a whole village full of Mexicans" Buffy "Par for the course" Giles "No this is before they became vampires" also like; Xander "Well I guess we know what happened Professor Whitmore" Cordy "He saw this and ran away?" Xander "Try best case scenario!"

Kinky dinky; Buffy being swallowed by the beastie is akin to tentacle (Henati) and vore fetishism (just google it)

Questions and observations; Considering what we learn in 'Normal Again' Buffy's remark to Joyce about saving the world from vampires is very reckless. What's painful about this ep is that Buffy and Joyce obviously love each other and Buffy wants to be a good daughter but slaying always gets in the way.

The Gorch's know Angelus? They really don't seem to be his kind people. Jonathon back once more. In a previous post I stated that Giles and Tara were the only Buffy characters never to go bad but I was wrong, Giles is possessed here so Tara seems to be the only one who never went evil. Cordy refers to having sex in a car, so she's no longer a virgin? (if so the first of the younger Scoobies to be so). Love the way Buffy and Willow get so maternal about their eggs. BUT Angel mentions for the first time that he can't have children although we later find that isn't true, at least in Connor's case. Buffy fighting the parasite is very like the scene in Aliens where Newt and Ripley are trapped in the lab with the facehuggers, right down to the plucking strings music. Buffy and Xander and ultimately everyone else knocked out. Presumably the parasites need a conscious/sleeping host which is why they lock them in the closet. No one dies although actually that's not as unusual as I first thought, Halloween, When she was Bad, The Witch and quite a few other eps have no human deaths whatsoever. Buffy expresses horror at the thought of being a single mother but by season 5 she will be.

Joyce refuses to buy Buffy an outfit because it makes her look like a streetwalker. Considering some of the things Buffy DOES wear in the first three seasons it must have been the full Julia Roberts? 4/10, awful story saved by the character elements and a few good lines, very nearly the worst episode of Buffy ever
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