The Outer Limits: The Probe (1965)
Season 2, Episode 17
Fortunately, the series ended well.
1 July 2012
"The Outer Limits" was too good an anthology series to have only lasted two seasons. However, according to IMDb, the network inexplicably killed the show by moving it to an impossible time slot--even though the show was initially quite popular. So, after only a short run, it ended with this particular episode, "The Probe".

"The Probe" begins aboard an airplane that has strayed too close to a hurricane. Despite their best efforts, the craft goes down in the water and it looks as if the folks on board are goners. Then, inexplicably, their raft is sucked inside some strange vehicle--a vehicle that eventually proves to be some sort of probe from another planet. But these folks cannot live inside this probe for long--there's apparently no food and they aren't adapted for planet hopping. Can they somehow communicate with the beings who created this probe and find a way to escape? While this is not a brilliant episode, it is intriguing and doesn't have some trite ending. Its theme of alien life and compassion are pretty consistent with the show and make for an interesting finale.

By the way, the lady in the episode was played by Peggy Ann Garner--who had made quite a name for herself as a child actress playing in "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" two decades earlier (for which she received a special Oscar).
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