Rock bottom
4 July 2012
Dildo. If you're laughing hysterically right now, this is totally the movie for you. If not, "Book Of Love" is going to be a pretty tiresome ride. Nobody expects a great story when they see the "American Pie Presents" (what does that even mean?) moniker, but a little variation here and there would be pretty nice. I mean, come on. Another batch of hapless (not to mention unlikable) virgins getting into sexual misadventures? Another previously unmentioned Stifler cousin? Another utterly pointless appearance by Jim's dad? You know your plot elements are desperately uninspired when they make "Band Camp" seem fresh. The movie's also very unstructured, it's basically just a series of barely related sketches. Wouldn't be that much of a problem if the little vignettes were funny, but the supposed highlight of the movie consists of faux-Stifler getting raped by a moose. Creative stuff right there. The makers even seem fully aware they're making crap, but all they do to solve it is adding more frighteningly plastic boobs. This is just painful to watch.
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