Review of Brave

Brave (2012)
Not Pixar's Weakest, don't fall victim to the hate
14 July 2012
Pixar really can't do any wrong. Brave marks the 13th time a Pixar film has taken the top spot at the box office. That's everyone one of their films starting with Toy Story.

Brave tells the classic story of all teenagers and their relationships with their parents. Merida, a Scottish Princess, wants to be free to choose her suitor, much like in Aladin. Out of frustration, she turns to a witch who promises to change her fate and mother, Queen Elinor, who want's Merida to act more like a princess and spend less time shooting her bow. And everyone knows, you can't trust witches who promise you your greatest desires.

Quickly after casting a spell on her mother, Merida regrets her little mistake. However, something good does come out of the spell. Merida and Elinor get to spend quality time together, while actually taking the time the listen to each other under "unique circumstances".

Brave does a great job of capturing the dynamics of any stereotypical family. It showcases a whiney teenage girls, three reckless and spoiled sons, a controlling mother, and an oblivious father. And that is truly the magic of Pixar. While the movie is entertaining and has good themes for children, anyone can enjoy Brave.

After watching all of the trailers and a few TV spots for Brave, I was surprised of some of the plot turns. Now, I can't reveal anything here with out spoiling anything but I will say it was unexpected but like Pixar usually does, they make 'strange' work.

Some things to point out:

This is the first Pixar film with a female protagonist. I think that's a great step for Pixar industry.

I really enjoyed the commination of the great score with the soft-rock singles. It reminded me a little of Tarzan.

Merida's hair was amazing.

It was way funnier than I thought it was going to be.

Overall, Brave was brilliant. Definitely a good time. I can't talk about too much without spoling the movie.

It ranks at least in my top 3 Pixar films. Take your family to see it, but be prepared for cuteness overload.

9.5 of 10

"I don't want to get married, I want to stay single and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset."
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