Columbo: Try and Catch Me (1977)
Season 7, Episode 1
She's created many crime scenarios
15 July 2012
This episode of Columbo has Peter Falk matching wits with Ruth Gordon, an Agatha Christie type mystery writer who plans what she thinks is a perfect murder of Charles Frank, her nephew by marriage. She suspects that he may have murdered her beloved niece and only blood relative some months before. The episode suggests her instincts were right. And she's created many a crime scenario in her profession.

Never mind though Falk has to solve the murder of Frank which was accomplished by locking him inside a safe in her home over the weekend.

Best scene in the episode is when Gordon has Falk address a woman's club that she was a lecturer at. Falk gives quite a speech, one aimed directly at Gordon. He actually does like some of the people he has to arrest and people have many reasons to kill. A jury might not convict Gordon, but that's not Columbo's concern.

Frank leaves a dying clue to his own killer's identity. For that you have to watch Columbo to see what it is.
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