See it, Entertaining, but not as good as would have liked....
23 July 2012
What can I say, my girlfriend and I were keen to see this when it was first promoted, as the marketing was of course excellent. I should state for the record, Im not a fan of Australian Movies, the last one I saw was Red Dog, and I found it for the most part, boring and woefully over acted. Questions for Ben improves ever so slightly on the overacting, but only because a couple of the actors were surprisingly good. David James was BRILLIANT.... I've never noticed him before in previous showings, but he was believable, and played his part perfectly, excellent actor who deserves more work on this performance.

I was also pleasantly surprised by Rachel Taylors performance. I felt she was excellent and believable in her character, and didn't over Act, something I feel Australian actors are renowned for.I was pleasantly surprised by her abilities, I did like her in Red Dog , but I loved her performance in this, she seems to have learnt a lot between gigs and i cant help but wonder if her American experiences have assisted her in the improvement? I walked away thinking she carried the film, and although the script was a bit all over the place, when she was on the screen, she carried her scenes.

I couldn't stand the fast pace conversations/banter/one liners in the first part of the film, I felt it was a poor attempt at covering up bad acting or screenplay by the director. At one point, the cameras seemed to swap so often I was worried id get dizzy.

The Directors/Producers do deserve credit for the choice of locations and the use of the camera in the flyovers and general long shots made melbourne look stunning. Maybe they should be paid to do a Tourism Commercial for Melbourne!!!!! I really wanted this to be good, and expected it to be so, as it was a Working Dog project.... Id be lying if I didn't say it was disappointing, id have been furious if Id paid A$36 to see it at the cinema.
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