Falling Skies (2011–2015)
Frakkin' Great
1 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Whilst others have noted that Falling Skies isn't "breaking" new ground with its premise and some of the plot holes you can drive a truck through (they decimated the human population with neutron bombs but for some reason no one has radiation poisoning, food & water aren't contaminated, and so on), it's still a fun mid-summer show to watch.

There are actual puzzles in which you are looking forward to the answers, and a few subplots that are intriguing, all-the-while not confusing the viewer with mystery upon mystery.

The writing is very good, and the special effects are what you'd expect from an exec producer like Steven Spielberg. It's also fun to watch the introduction of new "alien" creatures, though the "master" aliens looks remarkably like the ones in Close Encounters. They also resonate pure hatred in the way they look at other humans.

The Skitters are creepy but not scary, almost sympathetic. And the Mechs are like the Daleks on steroids.

I'm looking forward to finding out: a. why are they still on the planet after wiping out most of humankind? b. is there an actual "working government" somewhere? c. do the harnesses eventually convert you into some other type of creature?
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