Magnificent Beasts
5 August 2012
Beasts of the Southern Wild is a fantastic movie. An artistic and deeply emotional drama from first time director Benh Zeitlin, this film is a beautiful look on life, childhood, and a bleak future for our planet.

The film takes place in a world where the polar ice caps have melted much more than they already have, and as a result, many areas around the world have fallen into the sea. Others have turned into islands, such as the area outside of New Orleans where this movie takes place. A young girl named Hushpuppy lives in one of these ragtag, poor societies. Her mother left when she was very young, and her father is a drunk, incapable man who is unwilling to take care of her. Hushpuppy does the best she can with her situation, but fears that as her life unravels, the fabled auroch beasts will unfreeze from the ice and come for her.

Zeitlin directs the movie with a piercing eye for beauty. The sets, the boats, and the wilderness are all marvelous to look at. The story is told in such an engrossing way that it becomes nearly impossible to turn away from the screen. Zeitlin seamlessly creates a world that is both stylized and frighteningly realistic. Adapted from a script co-written by Lucy Alibar, the director creates a sense of wonder that never stops throughout the entire movie.

Quvenzhané Wallis is a powerhouse as the young girl Hushpuppy. She is a quiet, introspective character, and Wallis plays the role with such sincerity and understanding that it is almost heartbreaking. Dwight Henry plays the father, who portrays the character like a wounded animal. Henry gives the film a strong grounding in realism, with the parallels to the real world being deeply felt through his character.

Beasts of the Southern Wild is a magical and gorgeous movie that is over all too quickly. This is a movie which has that spark of originality only seen once in a blue moon. Zeitlin is a great director, and he has made a film that is inspired and marvelous to watch. Beasts is a gem that really knows how to create an encompassing cinematic experience.

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