Midnight Lace (1960)
At the Midnight Hour with Doris Day!
14 August 2012
Doris Day is hearing voices. To be precise, one voice. And, he says he wants to kill her. But, the rub is - no one believes her. Her husband, the police. Her Aunt Bea wants to, but the more hysterical Doris gets, the more she doubts her. This film is so well made, it feels like a Hitchcock film, and it boasts an outstanding cast, including Rex Harrison, who plays her husband, John Gavin, who gives one of his most relaxed and natural performances of his career, Roddy MacDowell, Herbert Marshall, Myrna Loy as her Aunt Bea, and John Williams and Anthony Dawson, both from Hitchcock's Dial M for Murder. It's been said that Doris Day swore off films like this, after completing this, due to it being physically exhausting and I can see why. Her breakdown is very real and she gives one of her most challenging and convincing acting jobs in her career here. She said she had to tap into her feelings and her pain from her abusive first marriage to really bring out the tears, and they flow! The staircase scene is where she really loses it. I have nothing negative to say about this terrifying winner! It may not win any awards, but it hits all the right buttons. For a suspenseful film with great stars and real class, this is the film for you.
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