Poppy Shakespeare (2008 TV Movie)
"Public service - that's what it is."
15 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
** contains spoilers ** "If you shite in the bed and dribble all over yourself, it makes them feel better about themselves."

N has received such public services for her entire life and she's a real pro at qualifying for them, at this point. She instructs her new exotic (in this world, completely normal - read, not mentally ill) friend, Poppy Shakespeare, to fill out her application for "Mad Money" (what I've heard called here in the States a "Crazy Check") with her left hand so that it's in scribbles because she made the odd assumption of printing in block letters as the instructions read. Of course, Poppy only needs the money to get an administrative hearing so that she can be released from her outpatient day treatment because she isn't mentally- ill! N (named because everyone occupies one seat in a circle labeled for each letter of the alphabet) can't imagine a life outside of "care," so she works hard to stay in the hospital's treatment program because that's the only life she's ever had. Assessment day (only once a year, of course LOL) takes a week of preparation, as she sleeps in the same clothes for days, spreads chocolate on the back of her pants, and smears cigarette ash under her eyes. She performs for the panel of doctors, in a tutu, who score her with perfect 10.0's and grant another year of care, where she says she can pretty much do whatever she wants. She's so frightened that she will one day be discharged that N makes sure that her doctors know that Poppy was fully satisfied with the job of "guiding" she's done, as her doctor suggested she do.

Poppy needs the money to get out of the hospital but, wonder of all wonders she isn't mentally ill enough to qualify for it, even though she's claimed incontinence :-) It's enough to drive her batty with frustration. Now, she's getting truly irate. Which is only a sure sign of her mental distress, eh? LOL

I should say that I am a social worker. Yes, I totally get it. And, this is a HILARIOUS movie! What a gem to find amongst a bunch of classics and foreign dramas I have because they are supposed to be entertaining. This dead-pan comedy must be a cult classic at this point, but I haven't investigated the matter yet. It's a masterpiece, as far as I'm concerned.

I was laughing so hard, quietly and deep inside, of course ;-) at Poppy's description of how she was brought into the program... she lost her job as an administrative assistant of sorts and went to job testing, which as she got through more and more levels of testing (congratulations!) her answers are found to be "concerning." The next thing she knows, an ambulance arrives at her apartment and takes her to the hospital. Surreal? Deliciously delightful - he he!

This gem is packed with Masterpiece Theatre actors who give wonderful performances. The wit is clever and so subtle that it's a thrill to watch, as compared to the general American fare that takes it's self all too seriously and hits you over the head to make sure that you got how serious and important it is. This film is a keeper -- one to watch over and over again.
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