Hawaii Five-O: Blood Money Is Hard to Wash (1977)
Season 9, Episode 19
A familiar theme--and sloppily handled
22 August 2012
Dane Clark plays Jovanko--a mobster with muscle who has come to the islands to buy a sports team so he can launder money with its box office receipts. The idea is to give away tickets to fill the stadium--then claim the tickets were all paid for by the patrons--thus making illegal money seem legal. But when McGarrett gets wind of this, he decides to pressure Jovanko hard---so hard that he'll think twice and return to the mainland. At first, Jovanko acts like he's gotten the message, blowing his top again and again when Five-O keeps tailing him and recording his meetings. He then announces to McGarrett that he's leaving Hawaii and will give up his plans--but he secretly plots on rubbing out McGarrett in revenge. Now considering practically every season has at least one episode where crooks try to kill or frame McGarrett and the plots ALWAYS unravel, you'd think Jovanko would plan something different! Heck, if Wo Fat couldn't stop McGarrett, what do you think Jovanko's chances are?!

Well, the familiarity of the theme turns out NOT to be the big problem with episode. Instead, Jovanko (who is supposed to be a very successful thug) begins acting too stupid to be realistic. You'd think he'd hire a GOOD hit-man but the guy hired is sloppy and blows it. Then, Jovanko handles the killing himself but leaves MANY ways to trace it all back to him. I thought the idea was to kill McGarrett to make way for their illegal business, not get Jovanko in prison for murder! He personally goes to a Children's foundation and identifies WHO he is--so the bomb (which was supposedly from the foundation) could be traced back to him. Then, he gets himself admitted to the hospital where McGarrett is being treated (the bomb doesn't kill him--only injures him)--and wears a medic-alert bracelet with his name on it! They find him unconscious and admit him--under his own name and so naturally the police are alerted! And, finally, the final attempt on McGarrett is just sloppy, sloppy, sloppy--as if done by a brain-addled amateur! This all really ruins what COULD have been a decent episode. One of the worst of season 9.

By the way, watch for the ridiculous camera angle. Chin is out filming Jovanko while he's golfing. Chin is clearly way DOWN a hill--filming upwards. However, the footage he shows to McGarrett is straight on--like he was standing next to Jovanko! Sloppy...and pretty funny.
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