Laughably terrible.
26 August 2012
I decided to see this "film" simply because I was sincerely trying to see if a biased film could be made with honesty, truth, and facts. Wow....was I wrong. I cannot fathom how uneducated Americans must be to believe the garbage peddled in this film. The fear being fed to these republicans wouldn't be so frightening if they weren't so stupid. They will literally believe anything Fox or hate mongers like OReilly, Beck, Limbaugh, Coulter, and Hannity say. This isn't a film, it is a bunch of footage, interloped with horrifying music and deep voices to scare the hell out of people. The problem is, again, the republicans will eat this up because they aren't educated enough to make decisions on their own. Unless someone is telling them to be homophobic, racist, xenophobic, and just downright filthy human beings, I'd like to hope they wouldn't be. Either way, this movie is as reliable as women's rights under a republican Congress. Enough said.
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