14 September 2012
"New friend turned psycho" films have been made before, multiple times, but this was a good one. It is hard to remember sometimes which came first. Was it "Play Misty for Me" or that one with Glenn Close? The stereotypical gay friend upstairs, and the fiancé who can't seem to keep himself zipped up. Yet even the less than perfect men in the movie aren't all bad. Sure the client boss enjoys a little sexual harassment, and the fiancé isn't perfectly faithful, but then in reality who is morally perfect in life? And while both are jerks in different ways, poetic justice sets in when they both get dispatched permanently, while the gay friend only suffers a concussion from which he timely revives and saves Bridget Fonda from being killed by psycho woman. The movie is true in that most people are neither all good or all bad, and that once in a long while you run into someone who is a sociopath and frankly diabolical tendencies are breathtaking.
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