Married without money (dvd)
15 September 2012
This second season has the show find his running speed, except for his beginning and ending. The numerous two-parts at the start breaks the tempo, all the more than one is good (the vacations) and the other a bit dull (the strip). Then, the season leaves with an terrible last show with lousy Peggy's relatives.

Beyond, it remains very funny: the cast is full of talent, the scripts are really comedy and pay attention to everything. It's very accurate on relationships, siblings feud and social awareness: the basic rule is that without money, you have nothing and be nothing as well.

In other words, everything has a price and the constant grunts of Al about his money and bills are a good lesson, said in funny and not moralistic way. Whereas in other shows, people live easy, spoiled lives, here, the focus is on the basic step: the buying power and where it comes from, that's to say from your work, meaning from what the boss wants to pay you. To illustrate this subtle capitalist critic, the best show would be (2.7) For Whom the Bell Tolls or (2.16) Master the Possibilities.

The other highlights of this season would be (2.14) Guys and Dolls (to see why Al lives in the windy city), (2.18) The Great Escape (to see a cool one with the kids) and 2.10 (beard), 2.12 (babe), 2.19 (impotence) and 2.21 (racetrack) for strong performances of Steve and Marcie.
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