Not horrible but close
22 September 2012
I read some reviews that made this movie seem just as good as it's English counterpart "Sean of the Dead" and went into it expecting something pretty good. It started off solid but quickly got worse and worse as the movie went on. Why people enjoyed this movie is beyond me.

The bad: Poor CGI, all of the CGI was just utter crap, I've absolutely seen worse but wow; they should have just cut all of those scenes out, it was just unnecessary. The plot was my biggest problem, nothing made sense. I don't want to spoil anything but the things they say/do completely contradict the plot, even the plot contradicts the plot! Acting was bad, the zombies made very fake noises, and the background screams are the same scream over and over I've heard before in a video game. The dialog was stupid and sometimes even contradicted the plot. The charters had no depth to them, they bring up certain things that leave you with a feeling that it will become a large role in the movie but it never comes up again. The humor was not very humorous and mostly lost on me. Almost everything about this movie was bad, not horrible but just plain bad.

The good: There was a nice pair of boobs at one point but only for a minute or two. There were a few brief moments of actual humor.

Conclusion: I must have seen a different movie than everyone else but this is a bad movie. Only watch it if you really enjoyed "Sean of the Dead" and are extremely bored. Otherwise just don't. I gave it a 4 because I've seen worse, this movie is watchable and it didn't kill me but "Sean of the Dead" is a 9/10 compared to this.

WHO SHOULD WATCH IT: Sean of the Dead fans? Ehh maybe. Zombie Fans? Ehh maybe. Action fans? I'd advise against it. Comedy fans? No. Anybody else? NO.
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