Hotel (2004)
Disappointing - no questions are answered in the end
23 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I think this movie was quite good in parts, because it had atmosphere. Also, I could relate to the main character, Irene - a young woman who starts working in an isolated hotel. I was quite like her when I was young; well-behaved, nice and neat - yes, I even wore glasses! :-) - so I recognize the unpleasant situation, when you have to associate with fellow school- or work-mates that are of another kind. Stupid, vulgar, rude, not so well-brought up... I am sure you know what I mean. I also became lonely and left out in that kind of company, so I felt very sorry for Irene who had to both work and live with them!

But the ending was a big disappointment. Nothing is explained. What happened to Irene? What happened to Eva, the former employee who had disappeared from the hotel..? Was it the witch, or was it a human killer..? What was that smell in Irene's (and formerly Eva's) room..? What was the point with the change of glasses..? Was the cross a protection, and did Irene's work-mate borrow it on one occasion, and steal it on another, out of malice..? Because she hoped for Irene to be killed without it..? Was she even an accomplice in the crime (IF there was a crime), in some way..? No questions are answered, and because of this I find the whole movie quite meaningless.
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