Bang-up indie horror winner
3 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
A lethal experimental virus gets unleashed in a secret government research facility and turns the bulk of the people trapped inside into deadly homicidal crazies. Will head scientists Dr. Jonathan Wright (superbly played by Brandon Slagle) and Dr. Jenna Barnes (a fine and appealing performance by Amanda Phillips) survive this harrowing ordeal and subsequently expose the government's cover-up of this incident? Writer/director Brian T. Jaynes relates the taut and riveting story at a constant brisk pace, takes time to carefully establish the well-drawn and likable main characters, generates a tremendous amount of nerve-rattling tension, creates a strong mood of mounting dread and unease, and delivers plenty of startling outbursts of bloody'n'brutal violence. The sturdy acting by the able cast keeps the picture humming: Slagle and Phillips make for excellent and engaging leads, with sound support from Van Quattro as a ruthless army major, Carl Savering as the no-nonsense Sheriff Klein, Natalie Wilemon as sweet lab assistant Liz, Larry Jack Dotson as scared local Marvin Johnson, Frederic Doss as a steely tactical commander, and Jackey Hall as perky secretary Kerri Klein. The grimly serious tone gives the movie an extra tough edge while the terse 68 minute running time ensures that it never gets dull or overstays its welcome. The crisp cinematography by Samuel Haun and John Marcinik provides an impressive polished look. Maigin Blank's pulsating score does the ominous trick. Very cool little flick.
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