Breaking Bad: Bit by a Dead Bee (2009)
Season 2, Episode 3
Making excuses
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having survived their run in with Tuco, Walt and Jesse must think fast to avoid trouble; Walt must find a reason to have disappeared to give his wife and Jesse must create an alibi as he knows that the DEA found his car at Tuco's place. Walt's plan is simple... he hitches a lift out of the desert, walks into a supermarket, strips naked then tells everybody he has absolutely no memories of the previous two days. This works a charm until his psychiatrist says he may have to stay in hospital while they investigate his amnesia. Jesse's plan is even more risky; after clearing the gear out of his basement he goes to a motel with a prostitute and gets his friend Badger to tell the police his whereabouts. He just has to hope they can't prove he wasn't in the room for the last three days. Hank still has no idea who is making the new high grade methamphetamine but he is starting to suspect that there must be a connection between Krazy-8's disappearance, the events and Tuco's place and the theft from the chemical store; he just can't quite see the link.

There may have been relatively little action in this episode but it was still pretty good; I really liked how Walt and Jesse came up with very different ways to get out of their immediate predicament. Of course they still have problems; Jesse lost all his earnings as his money was in his car and he couldn't admit it was his to the DEA, Walt still can't explain the second mobile phone and with Tuco dead they will have to find another way to shift their product. Despite the lack of violence there were still tense moments; it looked as if Jesse's alibi would be blown apart when Tuco's uncle was brought in and asked about him... even though he didn't say a word Mark Margolis did a great job in the role.
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