A good film that just scratches the surface
5 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First, a disclaimer: I am a proud graduate of Fordson ('71). When I attended, Fordson was by no means "all white," as the description states. Among my classmates, the names Berry, Hamood, Zion, Saleh, Hadous, Amen, Moslimani, etc., were well represented.

The film presents Fordson as a tiny specimen within a larger American society. But for those who attend -- including administration, coaching staff, and teachers -- the school itself takes on the role of the world and of society for three years. Therefore, a critical question, unasked and unanswered by the film is: what are the thoughts and feelings of those who are now a minority in Fordson's micro-society: non-Muslim Americans?

We see a brief glimpse of something quite interesting and possibly telling in the film: The Fordson players gather of their own volition to recite an Islamic prayer before a big game. Their crosstown rivals, Dearborn High, also has players of the Islamic faith, however, perhaps not yet a majority, because we see both Islamic and Christian prayers being offered from their side.

I can attest that many of the feelings and experiences expressed by the people in the film regarding fear and hatred against those of the Arab community by non-Arab Americans has been all too true. I will also say that many non-Arab Americans recognize the need to examine and eliminate all forms of this kind of prejudice from our hearts.

In summary, this film is simply a prelude, an introduction, to some very important questions: What does it truly mean to be both a good American and a good Muslim? Also: What does it mean to be a good American when dealing with those who are not like my group? I am hoping this film will inspire others to tackle those questions beyond the superficial aspects presented by the film.
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