The real housewives shows are hurting my family
22 October 2012
My mom has watched this everyday and I can tell that she is becoming more mean and she interrupts people and then does not want to hear what anyone else has to say. My mom picks our family apart on everything and can not pull herself away from the TV... she is addicted to this show....I don't know what to do. I feel like she has lost her soul. The shallow world view in the show makes her think that this is what life is all about. Drinking, picking others apart, and fashion and pretty things. I am pleading with my dad to remove BRAVO from the house because these housewives should not be aloud in the house they are not worth any sane persons time. 5 thing my mom could do but does not anymore:

1. read 2. art 3. show any interest in her dog or horse 4. try new things 5. complement people (instead she wants all the complements and she picks on everyone else)
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