Skyfall (2012)
Good Film, But NOT Best Craig Outing
19 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm probably being too harsh with the 7 out of 10 rating. I've given much lesser films the same score. I love Daniel Craig's take on Bond, and the new direction of the Brocolli "franchise". Skyfall is beautifully shot, directed, with many strong moments.

I literally cringe when watching any non-Craig film. The camp, and the tongue-in-cheek unbelievability prevent me from watching more than a few minutes' worth. Sorry, MGM, but you've spoiled me: I shan't be purchasing any boxed sets, at least not until Craig does as many as Roger Moore and they are available separately.

But warning note to the Brocolli-Wilson braintrust and MGM in toto- the injection into this film of "Q", Moneypenny (as played by Naomie Harris) and Ralph Fiennes' "M" (replete with Bernard Lee's office), as well as a villain who is too much of a mustache-twirling cad, signals a possible return to the camp of the past. That is why this film gets a "7-10".

If they had have used a nuanced antagonist (note the words) for Bond, the film could have topped "Casino Royale". Le Chiffre was wonderful. Anton Chigre was not. Save your casting money, MGM- you need it. Use you writers to come up with believable stories and antagonists for Craig's character. We can always turn to Jason Bourne if you insist on creating a cartoon for Craig-Bond 4. And for God's sake, don't keep Naomie Harris behind a desk........
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