Immigration Noir
21 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, now this was a turkey. Even a couple of name brand actors couldn't save this thing.

A couple of Immigration officials in Miami have had it with an organization sneaking in immigrants. One illegal gets killed in Miami and they decide to infiltrate the home base in Havana. Things don't too well and with a few missteps the crooks get away...but Immigration gives chase.

Thats's pretty much it. You get a decent performance outta John Hodiak but Hedy Lamarr is just there for you to look at. Just as beautiful as any female to grace the screen. Nobody ever accused her of trying to win an Oscar and after watching this you can see why. They try to throw in a curve ball to make the film interesting in that Hedy Lamarr is stuck from one port to another and can't get citizenship anywhere cause she was a concentration camp survivor who was deported and can't get to stay anywhere. Even with that injected this thing is just dull and bland the whole way.

A couple of fun parts to watch for. A scene early one where the undercover Immigration official goes into town after dark in a café where a girl is dancing.Take a close look at the girl. She ain't Cuban. Just a small white girl painted on with a deep dark tan. Reminds me of those old westerns where the Indians were all white guys darkened up. I think the best part is the plane chase sequence. They wanna keep track of this guy flying so they keep the navy on him with a flier. My issue is if these smugglers were so wanted why didn't they dispatch more planes to follow? The plane deliberately crashes and they coulda had another plane follow the raft the go off on. What a laugh. The worst is the plane crash itself. No one in the plane had seats so they had to sit on their luggage. The plane(model plane) crashes and hits a tree really hard and they all get out OK. Now I've never been in a plane crash but in this case, physics would dictate most if not all those passengers woulda flown out the cockpit window with the speed the plane hit that tree.

Save your time and watch the sun set in a lawn chair with a cold beer and be happy you avoided a 73 minute waste of time.
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