How I Met Your Mother: Twelve Horny Women (2012)
Season 8, Episode 8
Not a fan
30 November 2012
Definitely one of the worst episodes of HIMYM that I've ever watched, and this is coming from someone who has watched every episode. Between the courtroom scenes and the general cheesiness of the entire episode, it really seems like filler content. I've been generally supportive of this season's content but this really just seems out of place. I'm not sure what the directors were hoping to achieve, but I'm hopeful that the rest of the episodes don't stink as bad as this one did. On the bright side, for the ladies Brad is well... Brad.

I can now somewhat understand Jason Seagel's frustration with the show and the possibility that he will not be returning seems to make sense if the rest of S8 is as bad as this. Hopefully it won't be.
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