Nerd Bait
1 January 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Not a bad film, obviously knows who its audience is, which is sci-fi and horror nerds who watch movies like this. There's even a nod to the Indiana Jones films and Lovecraft myths.

So the plot is that on the eve of D-Day, a couple of New Zealand Commandos are sent to take out a gun position on one the channel Islands, to distract the Nazis from where they were really going to land. The two commandos find most of the Nazis are already dead, mauled by something in the fortress that is screaming horribly.

After one of them is killed by the last Nazi, who is also a specialist in the occult, the other finds the Nazis have summoned a demon who can shape shift into the image of the viewers loved one.

Now, I give this movie its due. It was probably made on a budget of bottle deposits, but the acting isn't that bad and the plot moves along at a good pace. Better than the typical, "Let's make a Zombie Movie" garbage we see from low budget film makers.
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