I never liked musicals... until now! What an AMAZING and MOVING film!
4 January 2013
First, I have to confess that the only knowledge I had of this legendary tale came through popular culture references. If it wasn't for Star Trek or Seinfeld episodes, I would have known absolutely nothing about Les Miserables. Yeah, I'm THAT guy. I can also say that I never met a musical that I liked or even wanted to give much of a chance. That changes in a BIG way here!

I was completely enthralled and completely moved by this film and the way it was presented. I've read the critiques stating that the direction may be inferior or that the vocals should have been sweetened in post but I find both those criticisms to be without merit whatsoever. The entire cast was superb and there really are some award-worthy performances to say the least. Hugh Jackman is amazing as is Anne Hathaway (although being a novice to the tale, I was surprised at how small her role was). Every actor struck a chord with me emotionally. I honestly didn't expect that to happen. Sure, a person can nitpick the story and the rather instantaneous love and connections that happen between characters but why seek to cheapen the experience? Getting hung up on logic when everyone is singing their thoughts and feeling would be missing the point. The overall message is as grand and moving as the performances. I also have to finish with another confession. It takes a tougher man than I to not tear up at the end of the film. The conclusion hit home in a big way with me as did this film, much to my surprise.

(Note: I usually consider myself in the "it's not my kind of thing" category when it comes to musicals. I saw it because of the hype. Five minutes in when Crowe and Jackman are doing their opening sing/speak I thought to myself, "good lord, this is going to be intolerable." "Why the heck did I pay to see this?" Now, I'm so glad I kept an open mind and allowed the film to do it's thing. This is one of the few 10/10 ratings and experiences for me of the 2012 releases. I enjoyed it FAR more than I thought I would.)
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