Dis-Enchanted Queens will love this flop!
9 January 2013
This movie is plain "Horrible". I have never seen such a bunch of flamboyant, Pansy acting grown men flopping around the big screen as I did here. The storyline made NO sense, the characters sang about just "anything" whimsical and the acting was exaggerated. TO AN EXTREME.

Watching this movie reminded me of a director trying TOO hard to bring back a silly, immature time of his youth with no sensibility and an irresponsible approach at cinema of the past.

Lets take a look at the casting!! It's like he got them from a list of his top 10 favorite movies when he was a kid, negligent at the fact whether they fit the role properly or not. S T U P I D .

Is a movie that was filmed in Black & White supposedly an art sensation? Think again. This Car crash of a flick ( and supposed worst investment laugh riot within the industry) rivals Plan 9 from outer space.

It should be categorized as a "Disaster movie" instead of a musical for OBVIOUS REASONS!
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