Lovely Molly (2011)
Narrow, unoriginal and boring
22 January 2013
This is a tedious and generic horror flick that isn't original. It's just dull to watch, it's by the makers of the "The Blair Witch Project" a movie I am not fond of. It tries to incorporate standard horror movie cinematography with found footage aspects of it and it still comes off dull. The plot is about a newlywed couple that moves into a house that has a lot of dark history behind it and weird things starts to happen to the wife named Molly. Yeah, it sounds very cliché for horror movie buffs out there and this one really is narrow. It doesn't throw anything new or shocking for that matter. The tension sort of builds up for very few scenes and leads to disappointment. It tries to blend elements from the "Paranormal Activity" franchise but it's not all that effective. Although I am not fond of the "paranormal Activity" franchise either. The ending is a big let down and I was like "what the crap so is that it?". Some horror movies are effective by not giving away of what is exactly going on sometimes. But that isn't the case here, I was getting annoyed because I wasn't entirely sure what was really going on and what is behind the weird stuff that is going on. The special features part of the DVD gives a bit of back-story but the audiences shouldn't have to go to the special features to be a bit slightly satisfied. In fact the special features part of the DVD is way better than the actual movie itself. And it's kinda comedic unintentionally of course as well. The weird static noise in this gets more annoying instead of getting gradually creepy.

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