Better Than Expected
12 February 2013
I stumbled on this obscure little number and stayed with it, thanks to a sparkling McGuire and a sturdy Lundigan who seems just right for the sober-sided doctor. Poor Jane (McGuire), she's having a heck of a time adjusting to being a doctor's wife. She wants to succeed, but the phone's always ringing calling him away, even in the middle of their wedding itself. It's just one frequently amusing challenge after another; plus a mother-in-law who prefers that sonny marry another woman who's also a doctor and knows the score unlike the awkward Jane. But then it is the winsome McGuire with her magical smile and a flimsy nightgown, so we know things will work out in the end.

It's an entertaining 90-minutes, better than I expected, with an excellent supporting cast that lends both bite and wit to the proceedings. Then too, I expect married life for a doctor hasn't changed that much since 1950, so I guess there are some lessons for the medically minded. Anyway, it's a lively little programmer without approaching the memorable.
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