Finding Joe (2011)
Just get it and watch it - very inspiring!
16 February 2013
I saw some poor reviews and thought that I should add my $0.02. This movie is very inspiring and I highly recommended it to everybody.

This is definitely a diamond-in-the-rough type of movie. Just get it, watch it, and you will be inspired to follow your bliss.

One of the scenes talked about Joseph Campbell advice to his graduating students. He said "Don't do what Daddy says". Because Daddy has one interest in mind for you - your security. And if you bargain away your life for security now, you will NEVER find your bliss.

Joseph Campbel quote: "The job of science is to give you an image of the universe - what it's like, what it actually is like. This changes from decade to decade. There's no science that says, "I've found the truth." It's a working hypothesis and the next season we'll have another structure. The problem of mythology is to relate that found truth the the actual living of a life. The myth has to deal with the cosmology of the day and it's no good when it's based on a cosmology that's out of date. That's one of our problems. I don't see any conflict between religion and science. Religion has to accept the science of the day and penetrate it to the mystery. The conflict is between the science of 2000 BC and the science of 2000 AD. This is one of the problems with our tradition, where our inherited mythology, the Judeo-Christian tradition, relates to the near east in the first millennium BC and has nothing to do with life here. Everything has to be explained. A mythological image that has to be explained to the brain is not working. When you move through a culture field that is so alien to your own that the images don't click on a response and a recognition then you're out of sync."
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