If you want to see the movie script of the year, see this film
24 February 2013
Making a comedy about a terrible disease takes guts. And writing a movie script this complex and funny is no mean feat. But as someone who lost my only brother to this terrible, tragic disease knows, this was a reach into the most amazing areas of the imagination. Point is, this movie, despite it's flaws, pulls it off. Take a cast of powerful and magical actors, throw in a wonderfully portrayed EAST coast city, borrow a few shots from the movie Rocky and various dance films, and voila, that's it. It looks oh so easy, but took a ton of imagination to make it work.There are a hundred ways to criticize the results, but I say, surrender to what has to be one of the most clever, healing and fantastic comedies in years.There are few films like this, and there will probably not be another movie so human, and so very true again any time soon.
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