Dead Space 3 (2013 Video Game)
The third best game in the franchise.
24 February 2013
I came into this game not knowing anything about it, heck I didn't even know the release date and was surprised when I saw it came out. Dead Space was my favourite, Dead Space 2 was easily the best, but Dead Space three is a big let down. The game takes under 10 hours to complete, and I felt everyone of those hours. Towards the end I just wanted it over with. I didn't hate the game, it just didn't do it for me.

The Game: Having played a couple of chapters of Dead Space 1 before playing this game, I must say the controls have come a long way. Isaac is fast and can turn on a dime, feels more fluent than DS 2. Now Isaac can crouch and barrel roll, what is this Gears of War or Uncharted, it sure feels like it. Which brings me to this point. The first game got it right, it was pure horror. The second game mixed horror and action. The third game is just action, are you kidding me, there was only one part that I found generally disturbing, I'll get into that latter. The game is relatively easy in the sense that you will never run out of ammo or health, at least on normal difficulty. The hardest part of the game, which resulted in 85 percent of my deaths was a part where you had to climb up a mountain and dodge falling debris. With the mixture of broken controls and Isaac having a mind of his own, this part frustrated me. And the new revamped bench and upgrade system took way to long to get a complete understanding of it, the first two games you look at it and you got it. There is one part where you link up with your group and you have to climb a ladder. My first thought knowing this franchise was the ladder is going to break, and guess what it did break. I was mildly amused and dumbfounded that they actually put that in the game, I mean come on. This game even has you fight the same boss three times, they probably just ran out of ideas. They even make you fight the hive mind again. There was one part that I felt a little disturbed by, I'm going to make this as detailed as possible.

Highlight: At one point in the game you hear an audio log that says people were locked in a underground base or something like that, and you have to go down there. You feel like you enter this long forgotten place, the you see wrapped up bodies hanging from a meat hook, so you know something is down there. You enter a dark room, walk around, stop once you hear this clicking noise, I then looked over to a lengthy slim figure with glowing eyes, just hunched over looking at me. You then fight them, but one thing caught my eye, there was a wall where someone was counting the days, there was a lot of days, and then I came to the conclusion what happened down there. Just thinking about it, makes me feel disgusted. Any way this was the only mildly scary but more so disturbing segment.

I could go one about this games flaws, but that will all be for another time. I really can't say anything good about this game, it offers nothing new and treads over old water. It feels dumbed down with all the action, and it doesn't have all the same horror qualities as previous entries. I honestly would rather just play the first two games, they both had great replay value and where pretty unique, but this one just feels like your typical action and shooter game. I don't think I will be playing through it another time. This game is just average, play it if you are interested.
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