To the Last Man!
26 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What first got me interested in this film was the fact Charles Boyer was in it. I didn't now "ol' Charley Boy" did silent movies. He has quite the part in it, too. He plays a nasty villain that just doesn't die, sort of like Jason. Also, I have a "thing" for foreign movies. I've seen some good ones and some stinkeroos, but I always find them interesting. This one is good. It starts out with a nobleman who has a servant and a castle but little else. A troupe of actors come by seeking shelter, being the nice guy he is, Captain Fracasse (as he'll come to be known, but not as of yet) lets them have that shelter. An actress named Isabelle catches his eye. After spending the night, the head of the troupe invites the future Captain Fracasse to come along as they're heading to Paris. He turns them down, but, thinking of Isabelle, decides to come along. Not too long after his, a gypsy named Chiquita is introduced. She admired a necklace Isabelle was wearing. Chiquita talks a criminal named Agostino into killing Isabelle. Agostino and his minions decide to rob the troupe, but the future Captain Fracasse puts up enough of a resistance to hold back this challenge. However, one of the troupe dies in the attack and the future Captain Fracasse becomes the present Captain Fracasse. As it turns out, Isabelle catches more than just the good captain's eye. Boyer's character, who we meet about 25 minutes into the film, liked the way she looks, too. Much of the rest of the film is Boyer's wanting to capture Isabelle, capturing her and then trying to keep her imprisoned. There's plenty of action and the good Captain gets to keep Isabelle after all. That comes with the help of Chiquita and an outlaw who is assigned to kill Fracasse and then becomes an ally of his after Fracasse has an excellent chance to kill him, but doesn't. Remember Agostino, you see him at the end of the film about to be executed. Chiquita offers some resistance to this. I'll let you see what comes of this. It's worth your time to watch. It's around 90 minutes long.
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