Pretty Good
12 March 2013
Yes it's a Lifetime movie, which seems to carry a certain kind of stigma, but these movies must please their demographic or why would they keep on making them? Does "Walking the Halls" apease them? I think so

The movie started off well and held my interest. The acting was okay, and the characters believable. I don't know how common or uncommon it is to have a call girl ring start out of a high school, the topic itself -- sex in exchange for money -- is one I think a lot of young girls can identify with these days, that the temptation, or even pressure, is alwys there, coming from other girls, men, and media, and it's especially tough when things get shaky financially. No wonder so many girls get caught up in that kind of lifestyle, including Casey (Caitlin Thompson). We learn through her how one can get caught up and what can happen when someone does and gets in over their head.

In the end, "Walking the Halls" is an entertaining film with points that might hit close to home for a lot of young women today, so props for that.
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